Selasa, 31 Mei 2011
Why RC Helicopter is the best gift?
People with passion are always attracted by flying machines. When it comes to the RC helicopter, everyone likes it. There was a time when kids were busy flying kites or balloons filled with gas. Those days are over & these tiny helicopters have taken the command over the sky. It is the best gift for somebody. Now the query is, why is RC helicopter the best gift among the huge variety of RC toys? Well, continue reading to discover the answer.
In the market there's RC plane, boat, automobile & lots of other toys obtainable. Then why select helicopter? The fact is, RC plane needs a runway to take off or land, RC boat or automobile is not that pretty or enjoyable to the people nowadays like the helicopter is.
Everyone likes to fly but flying a RC plane is of the toughest and time consuming jobs. If a person thinks to give his son a remote control plane on his birthday they has to think it over. Where will the infant fly the plane? Is there any field or free space for the plane to take off or land? Individuals who live in the urban areas can find these questions hard to answer.
RC plane is not as little as a helicopter and only an experienced pilot is recommended to fly these aircraft. So, it is more vulnerable to crash and there is a continuing danger while taking off or landing. A single mistake while landing can turn in to a crash land which may not be nice for the plane. RC plane costs a tiny over the helicopters. When the objective is to fly aircrafts then why take risks and spend more money?
Playing an RC boat can be on a pond or a lake is. To meet the necessity of the fast growing population there is a shortage of land to build houses. So, there is no room for pond or lake in the cities. So, where to play with RC boat? can play with remote control boat in the bathtub but is that enjoyable ?
For the RC automobile it is the same space issue for remote control plane or boat. People barely have space to walk freely. So where can play with a pleasant RC automobile? There plenty of people in every single place including footpath, park etc. And yes, can play inside the house but that will disturb everyone and you don't need that to happen either.
Keeping all circumstances in mind, must admit that RC helicopter is the best gift nowadays. In the busy city life it seems that only some airspace is left for the babies to play. RC helicopter creates no noise so it can be flown in the lounge. Such aircraft require very small space for landing or take off.
After thinking about all the facts must admit that RC helicopter is the best gift. can get these toys in the market. The simplest way is to get online.
Senin, 30 Mei 2011
Sejarah Gitar
Sejarah instrumen musik gitar dapat ditelusuri hingga sejauh ~4,000 tahun yang lalu. Bagaimana evolusi sebuah instrumen musik yang saat ini kita sebut dengan gitar? Simak artikel berikut.
Leluhur Gitar: Kecapi Atau Lira?
Seperti telah disebutkan di atas, sejarah gitar dapat ditelusuri hingga kurang lebih 4,000 tahun yang lalu. Banyak teori berkembang tentang leluhur instrumen musik gitar. Teori paling populer adalah bahwa alat musik gitar berevolusi dari instrumen kecapi (english: lute, arab: oud). Kecapi adalah instrumen musik yang berasal dari negeri Moor yang berbudaya Arab. Kecapi pertama kali diperkenalkan di Eropa melalui Spanyol, aslinya kecapi adalah alat musik petik berleher pendek tanpa fret dan memiliki badan besar dengan banyak string. Di kemudian hari orang Eropa menambahkan fret dan memberinya nama lute berasal dari kosakata Arab al'ud yang berarti kayu.
Teori kedua yang berkembang tentang leluhur gitar adalah teori yang mengatakan bahwa gitar berasal dari alat musik lira (english: lyre, greek: khitara). Lira adalah alat musik yang sangat populer di peradaban Yunani kuno, berupa alat musik petik berbentuk seperti tanduk untuk meregangkan string dan berbadan bulat yang terbuat dari cangkang kura-kura. Alat musik harpa termasuk ke dalam keluarga instrumen ini. Teori ini didasarkan akan kemiripan nama antara khitara dengan guitarra yaitu sebuah kosakata Spanyol darimana kata guitar (gitar) berasal.
Namun sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Michael Kasha pada tahun 1960-an mementahkan semua teori tersebut. Uniknya Dr. Michael Kasha adalah seorang fisikawan dan ahli kimia yang mendirikan Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University (FSU), namun memiliki ketertarikan sangat besar terhadap instrumen musik gitar.
Dr. Michael Kasha menyatakan adalah sangat aneh jika instrumen gitar (yang pada awalnya memiliki 4 string) berasal dari alat musik lira yang cenderung berbentuk kotak dan memiliki 7 string. Beliau justru mengemukakan bahwa gitar kemungkinan diturunkan dari leluhur yang sama dengan lira, bukan dari lira itu sendiri. Kata khitara berasal dari kosakata Persia chartar yang telah dipengaruhi budaya helenistik semasa penaklukan Alexander The Great.
Tinjauan Arkeologis
Alat musik petik yang pertama yang dikenal oleh para ahli arkeologi adalah harpa mangkuk dan tanbur. Telah diketahui bahwa sejak jaman prasejarah manusia telah membuat bunyi-bunyian dengan menggunakan sebuah harpa sederhana yang terbuat dari cangkang kura-kura dan buah labu sebagai resonator dan sebentuk leher melengkung untuk mengaitkan satu atau lebih string.
Lira Ratu Shud-Ad dari ur
Alat musik sejenis ini telah banyak ditemukan dan beberapa yang tertua berasal dari peradaban Sumeria, Babilonia dan Mesir kuno. Sekitar tahun 2,500-2,000 SM mulai bermunculan instrumen-instrumen musik dari jenis lira yang lebih canggih, seperti lira 11 string yang didekorasi oleh hiasan emas. Salah satunya adalah Lira Ratu Shub-Ad yang ditemukan di Ur, berasal dari peradaban Sumeria kuno
Sedangkan tanbur didefinisikan sebagai alat musik petik berleher panjang dan memiliki badan bulat yang kecil yang biasanya terbuat dari kayu. Diperkirakan alat musik ini berkembang dari harpa mangkuk dengan memodifikasi lehernya yang dibuat lebih panjang untuk menjangkau notasi musik yang lebih luas. Sebuah lukisan dinding yang ditemukan di Thebes, Mesir dari sekitar 1,420 SM menunjukkan sekelompok musisi yang memainkan harpa dan tanbur bersama dengan alat musik lain seperti flute dan perkusi.
Lukisan Tembok Sekelompok Musisi dari Thebes
Selain itu para arkeologis juga menemukan beberapa lukisan serupa yang berasal dari kebudayaan Persia an Mesopotamia. Beberapa instrumen yang terlukis bahkan masih dapat dijumpai saat ini dalam bentuk alat-alat musik tradisional masyarakat Turki, Iran, Afghanistan dan Yunani
Instrumen Mirip Gitar Tertua Yang Masih Utuh
Instrumen mirip gitar tertua yang masih utuh dan ditemukan di jaman modern ini adalah sebuah tanbur berusia sekitar 3,500 tahun milik seorang musisi Mesir bernama Har-Mose. Sekitar tahun 1,503 SM, Har-Mose bekerja untuk seorang arsitek kenegaraan bagi Ratu Mesir saat itu (Ratu Hatshepsut), bernama Sen-Mut. Tanbur Har-Mose ikut dikuburkan bersama pemiliknya yaitu di sebuah komplek pemakaman sang ratu di tepi sungai Nil.
Tanbur Har-Mose ini adalah sebuah instrumen musik petik yang memiliki 3 senar dan memiliki badan yang terbuat dari kayu cedar. Saat ini disimpan di Archaeological Museum, Kairo, Mesir.
Tanbur Har-Mose
Definisi Gitar
Setelah meninjau beberapa kemungkinan mengenai leluhur instrumen gitar, maka ada baiknya kita pahami terlebih dahulu apa sebenarnya definisi gitar. Menurut Dr. Kasha, gitar didefinisikan sebagai "instrumen musik petik bersenar, berleher panjang dengan fret, dan memiliki badan gitar yang rata di bagian belakang (biasanya terbuat dari kayu) yang memiliki bentuk melengkung di tepinya".
Gambaran instrumen musik tertua yang memiliki semua persyaratan tersebut muncul dalam sebuah gambar berupa pahatan di batu berusia 3,300 tahun dan berasal dari kebudayaan Hittite di Alaca Huyuk, Turki.
Gitar Hittite
Gitar Modern
Menurut Dr. Michael Kasha, gitar modern yang kita kenal saat ini pada awalnya adalah terdiri dari 4 senar. Gitar 4 senar ini tiba di Spanyol dari Persia pada sekitar abad ke-12, dinamakan chartar yang secara harfiah berarti empat senar (char: empat; tar: senar). Jika ditelusuri lebih jauh dari tinjauan bahasa, kata tar berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yang dipakai di daerah India, terutama di daerah utara. Salah satu sepupu dari chartar ini adalah instrumen yang kita kenal dengan nama sitar, yaitu sebuah alat petik 3 senar yang juga populer di budaya-budaya kedaerahan Indonesia.
Chartar Persia
Seiring perkembangan waktu, alat musik chartar ini telah mengalami banyak modifikasi-modifikasi oleh manusia modern. Gitar mengalami banyak perubahan selama masa Renaissance di Eropa pada abad ke-14 sampai 17.
Di pertengahan masa Renaissance yaitu sekitar abad ke-16, terdapat sebuah bentuk modifikasi dari chartar yang memiliki 5 senar. Gitar lima senar ini pertama kali dibuat di Italia dan menjadi dominan digunakan dalam acara-acara resital musik. Sama seperti kecapi di waktu itu, gitar hanya memiliki 8 buah fret.
Gitar Antonio Stradivarius 5 Senar (1680)
Gitar 6 senar juga dibuat pertama kali di Italia pada sekitar abad ke-17, di akhir masa Renaissance. Kemudian setelah itu seluruh Eropa beramai-ramai mengadopsi bentuk ini, dan diciptakanlah banyak aransemen musik yang berdasar pada gitar 6 senar
Gitar George Louis Panormo 6 Senar (1832)
Dari segi bentuk, gitar di masa lalu berukuran relatif kecil dan memiliki badan gitar yang ramping. Hingga pada tahun 1859, seorang Spanyol bernama Antonio Torres membuat gitar klasik yang berukuran lebih besar dan merubah proporsinya. Desain Antonio Torres ini diterima sebagai standar pembuatan gitar modern hingga hari ini.
Gitar Antonio Torres (1859)
Gitar Elektrik
Gitar yang menggunakan senar kawat (steel string) pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh seorang imigran asal Jerman di Amerika Serikat bernama Christian Fredrich Martin pada sekitar tahun 1900-an. Berdasarkan penemuan ini gitar mengalami modifikasi lebih jauh menuju ke arah gitar elektrik, yang dilakukan oleh Orville Gibson (pendiri Gibson Guitar Corporation) dan rekannya Lloyd Loar.
Gitar elektrik pada mulanya merupakan solusi bagi kebutuhan para musisi jazz saat itu yang menginginkan bunyi musiknya agar lebih kuat. Gitar elektrik dibuat pertama kali di akhir dekade 1920, namun tidak memperoleh kesuksesan hingga tahun 1936 saat Gibson Guitar Corporation memproduksi gitar elektrik komersial yang pertama bernama Gibson ES-150. Gitar ini diproduksi hingga tahun 1941.
Gitar Gibson ES-150 (1936)
Gitar Terkecil
Para ahli nano-teknologi di Cornell University, AS berhasil membuat gitar terkecil di dunia yang hanya berukuran 10 mikrometer (sama besar dengan ukuran sebuah sel tunggal). Gitar yang terbuat dari kristal silikon ini memiliki 6 senar sepanjang 50 nanometer dan dimainkan dengan cara menembakkan sinar laser ke senar-senar gitar tersebut. Tentu saja gitar ini dibuat bukan untuk para musisi, melainkan hanya untuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan.
Nanoguitar: Gitar Terkecil Di Dunia
Minggu, 29 Mei 2011
1991 Penemuan Otzi the Iceman
Sang manusia es yang dinamai Otzi adalah mumi manusia yang masih terawat baik secara alamiah dan berasal dari 3300 SM. Mumi itu ditemukan pada 19 September 1991 di Oetztal Alps, sebuah wilayah di dekat perbatasan antara Austria dan Italia. Nama Otzi yang disandang sang mumi berasal dari nama daerah tempatnya ditemukan.
Otzi adalah mumi berwujud manusia tertua di Eropa. Untuk penemuan berharga itu, rasa terima kasih diberikan kepada dua turis Jerman, yakni Helmut dan Erika Simon, yang menjadi penemunya.
Awalnya Otzi hanya disangka mayat manusia modern sebagaimana yang sering ditemukan di wilayah tersebut. Tubuhnya beku oleh es dan terpaksa dipindahkan pemerintah Austria dengan menggunakan sebuah alat pembuat lubang (jackhammer) yang ditusukan ke sebelah pinggul jasad.
Alat lain yang berperan ialah kapak es dan penggunaanya berdasarkan metode nonarkeologi. Survei yang dilakukan pada Oktober 1991 menunjukan sang mumi berada pada 92.56 meter di sebelah dalam wilayah Italia. Karena itu, sejak 1998 mumi tersebut dipamerkan di Museum Arkeologi South Tyrol di Bolzano, Italia
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011
Misteri Segitiga Bermuda
Dalam satu abad terakhir ini diperkirakan sekitar 50 kapal laut dan 20 pesawat terbang menghilang secara misterius di suatu wilayah yang disebut segitiga bermuda. Tidak heran banyak orang menyebut wilayah ini dengan nama segitiga setan. Setelah hampir satu abad berlalu, adakah misteri yang masih tersisa dari segitiga bermuda ?
Segitiga bermuda membentang di lautan Atlantik yang dibatasi oleh garis yang menghubungkan Florida, pulau bermuda dan puerto rico. Luasnya sekitar 1,2 juta km2. Misterinya dimulai ketika banyak kapal laut, perahu dan pesawat terbang menghilang secara misterius di wilayah ini. Menurut para peneliti, di wilayah ini hukum fisika dilanggar habis-habisan.
Bahkan hingga kini, segitiga bermuda masih sering menjadi topik favorit buku-buku novel dan film-film Holywood. Kisahnya tidak pernah habis dibahas di situs-situs paranormal dan misteri, termasuk di blog ini.
Nama segitiga bermuda awalnya datang dari seorang wartawan bernama Vincent Gaddis yang menulis artikel berjudul "The deadly bermuda triangle" yang terbit pada FebruarI 1964 di majalah Argosy. Namun Legenda ini dihidupkan dan dipopulerkan oleh seorang penulis bernama Charles Berlitz yang menulis buku berjudul "The Bermuda Triangle" pada tahun 1974.
Salah satu kisah pertama mengenai misteri ini adalah peristiwa yang terjadi pada tahun 1918. Pada saat itu sebuah kapal bernama USS Cyclops yang memiliki panjang 542 kaki dan membawa batubara untuk angkatan laut Amerika sedang berlayar dari Salvador ke Maryland. Kapal itu tidak pernah sampai ke tujuan. Para pencari hanya menemukan keterangan bahwa kapal itu berlabuh di Barbados pada tanggal 3 dan 4 Maret untuk menambah persediaan. Setelah itu, hilang tanpa jejak.
Kisah lain yang populer adalah misteri hilangnya 5 pesawat militer Amerika (flight 19) pada tanggal 5 Desember 1945. Pada hari itu, 5 pesawat pembom Avenger berangkat dari pangkalan angkatan laut di Fort Lauderdale, Florida pada pukul 2:10 sore. Kelima pesawat itu dikemudikan oleh para prajurit penerbang dengan dipimpin oleh Lt. Charles Taylor.
Satu setengah jam kemudian, Lt Robert Cox di pangkalan menerima transmisi radio dari Lt. Charles Taylor yang mengatakan bahwa kompasnya berhenti bekerja dan ia kebingungan menentukan arah. Selama beberapa jam berikutnya, pangkalan masih bisa menerima komunikasi radio dari lima pesawat itu hingga komunikasi terputus total pada pukul 7:04 malam.
Dua pesawat kemudian diperintahkan terbang untuk mencari kelima pesawat itu. Salah satu pesawat pencari tidak pernah kembali ke pangkalan. Sang penolong telah bergabung dengan kelima pesawat tersebut, menghilang begitu saja.
Misteri ini telah membuat berbagai teori muncul ke permukaan. Menurut para ufolog, di dasar laut Atlantik tempat segitiga bermuda ada markas alien yang menculik para kapal dan pesawat. Menurut para penganut new age, pesawat dan kapal menghilang karena residu kristal yang berasal dari pulau Atlantis yang misterius. Menurut para spiritualis, segitiga bermuda adalah pintu menuju dimensi keempat.
Menurut peneliti yang lebih rasional, fenomena ini bisa disebabkan karena gangguan elektromagnetik. Bagi para skeptis, yang paling bertanggung jawab adalah cuaca buruk, ketidakberuntungan, bajak laut, navigator yang inkompeten dan human error.
Menarik, karena teori-teori tersebut tidak berakhir sampai disana. Seorang Psikiater bernama Dr Kenneth McCall memiliki teori lain. Ia melacak sejarah segitiga bermuda hingga ratusan tahun sebelumnya dan menemukan bahwa wilayah itu dulunya adalah tempat lalu lalangnya kapal pedagang barat. Dan ia menemukan satu fakta mengejutkan. Pada masa perdagangan budak, diperkirakan 10 juta budak dibuang ke laut itu, apakah karena mereka terkena penyakit, atau karena hukuman.
Menurut Dr McCall, arwah 10 juta budak itu dapat mengacaukan pikiran para pilot atau navigator yang melintas. Hmm. lumayan masuk akal.
Misteri segitiga bermuda terus berlanjut hingga tahun 2000. Pada saat itu sebuah kapal Inggris yang tenggelam 70 tahun sebelumnya (bukan di segitiga bermuda) berhasil diangkat dari dasar laut. Kapal ini terbukti menjadi kunci pengungkapan misteri Segitiga bermuda yang lebih rasional, yaitu gas Metana.
Menurut mereka di wilayah tertentu di lautan, kadang gas metana tersembur keluar dari dasar laut. Naiknya gas ini ke permukaan menyebabkan berkurangnya kepadatan air laut dan akan menyebabkan apapun yang ada di permukaan laut tenggelam. Bahkan jika para awak kapal terjun ke permukaan dengan pelampung, tetap saja mereka akan tenggelam.
Dan di wilayah segitiga bermuda, ditemukan beberapa bagian dimana gas metana biasa menyembur ke permukaan laut. Ini memang bisa menjelaskan penyebab tenggelamnya kapal laut. Tapi masih belum bisa menjelaskan penyebab hilangnya pesawat terbang.
Kemudian pada tahun 1975, seorang bernama Larry Kusche yang berprofesi sebagai pustakawan di Arizona State University meneliti misteri ini dengan sungguh-sungguh dan mendapatkan kesimpulan yang sangat berbeda. Menurutnya, tidak ada misteri di segitiga bermuda. Ia menulis hasil penyelidikannya dalam sebuah buku berjudul "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved".
Ia menemukan banyak laporan kecelakaan di segitiga bermuda tidak dilaporkan secara akurat. Contoh, ia menemukan satu laporan mengenai kapal yang tiba-tiba hilang di lautan yang tenang, padahal kenyataannya lautan saat itu sedang dilanda badai.
Di bagian lain, ia menemukan banyak kisah yang ditulis mengenai kapal-kapal yang menghilang secara misterius. Padahal kenyataannya bangkai kapal-kapal tersebut ditemukan dan penyebab tenggelamnya sudah dapat dijelaskan.
Dalam kasus lain ia menemukan seorang penulis menyebutkan satu kapal hilang di segitiga bermuda. Padahal sesungguhnya kapal tersebut tenggelam 3.000 mil jauhnya dari segitiga bermuda.
Lagipula dengan luas 1,2 juta km2 (9 kali pulau jawa) dan lalu lintas pelayaran yang padat, adalah hal yang wajar apabila ada beberapa kapal yang tenggelam disitu. Lagipula pesawat dan kapal yang tenggelam beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu memang belum memiliki sistem navigasi yang memadai.
Setelah hampir satu abad, pertanyaannya adalah, apakah masih ada misteri yang tersisa dari segitiga bermuda. Kelihatannya yang masih menjadi misteri adalah bagaimana segitiga bermuda bisa menjadi misteri.
Mungkin kisah dan cerita yang kita dapatkan memang bercampur aduk dengan imajinasi manusia. Mungkin Larry Kusche memang benar. Tidak ada misteri di segitiga bermuda. Lagipula insiden terakhir yang terjadi adalah pada tanggal 22 Desember 1967, 42 tahun yang lalu.
Jika itu kenyataannya, saya turut bersimpati untuk para penggemar misteri segitiga bermuda yang berduka.
Segitiga bermuda membentang di lautan Atlantik yang dibatasi oleh garis yang menghubungkan Florida, pulau bermuda dan puerto rico. Luasnya sekitar 1,2 juta km2. Misterinya dimulai ketika banyak kapal laut, perahu dan pesawat terbang menghilang secara misterius di wilayah ini. Menurut para peneliti, di wilayah ini hukum fisika dilanggar habis-habisan.
Bahkan hingga kini, segitiga bermuda masih sering menjadi topik favorit buku-buku novel dan film-film Holywood. Kisahnya tidak pernah habis dibahas di situs-situs paranormal dan misteri, termasuk di blog ini.
Nama segitiga bermuda awalnya datang dari seorang wartawan bernama Vincent Gaddis yang menulis artikel berjudul "The deadly bermuda triangle" yang terbit pada FebruarI 1964 di majalah Argosy. Namun Legenda ini dihidupkan dan dipopulerkan oleh seorang penulis bernama Charles Berlitz yang menulis buku berjudul "The Bermuda Triangle" pada tahun 1974.
Salah satu kisah pertama mengenai misteri ini adalah peristiwa yang terjadi pada tahun 1918. Pada saat itu sebuah kapal bernama USS Cyclops yang memiliki panjang 542 kaki dan membawa batubara untuk angkatan laut Amerika sedang berlayar dari Salvador ke Maryland. Kapal itu tidak pernah sampai ke tujuan. Para pencari hanya menemukan keterangan bahwa kapal itu berlabuh di Barbados pada tanggal 3 dan 4 Maret untuk menambah persediaan. Setelah itu, hilang tanpa jejak.
Kisah lain yang populer adalah misteri hilangnya 5 pesawat militer Amerika (flight 19) pada tanggal 5 Desember 1945. Pada hari itu, 5 pesawat pembom Avenger berangkat dari pangkalan angkatan laut di Fort Lauderdale, Florida pada pukul 2:10 sore. Kelima pesawat itu dikemudikan oleh para prajurit penerbang dengan dipimpin oleh Lt. Charles Taylor.
Satu setengah jam kemudian, Lt Robert Cox di pangkalan menerima transmisi radio dari Lt. Charles Taylor yang mengatakan bahwa kompasnya berhenti bekerja dan ia kebingungan menentukan arah. Selama beberapa jam berikutnya, pangkalan masih bisa menerima komunikasi radio dari lima pesawat itu hingga komunikasi terputus total pada pukul 7:04 malam.
Dua pesawat kemudian diperintahkan terbang untuk mencari kelima pesawat itu. Salah satu pesawat pencari tidak pernah kembali ke pangkalan. Sang penolong telah bergabung dengan kelima pesawat tersebut, menghilang begitu saja.
Misteri ini telah membuat berbagai teori muncul ke permukaan. Menurut para ufolog, di dasar laut Atlantik tempat segitiga bermuda ada markas alien yang menculik para kapal dan pesawat. Menurut para penganut new age, pesawat dan kapal menghilang karena residu kristal yang berasal dari pulau Atlantis yang misterius. Menurut para spiritualis, segitiga bermuda adalah pintu menuju dimensi keempat.
Menurut peneliti yang lebih rasional, fenomena ini bisa disebabkan karena gangguan elektromagnetik. Bagi para skeptis, yang paling bertanggung jawab adalah cuaca buruk, ketidakberuntungan, bajak laut, navigator yang inkompeten dan human error.
Menarik, karena teori-teori tersebut tidak berakhir sampai disana. Seorang Psikiater bernama Dr Kenneth McCall memiliki teori lain. Ia melacak sejarah segitiga bermuda hingga ratusan tahun sebelumnya dan menemukan bahwa wilayah itu dulunya adalah tempat lalu lalangnya kapal pedagang barat. Dan ia menemukan satu fakta mengejutkan. Pada masa perdagangan budak, diperkirakan 10 juta budak dibuang ke laut itu, apakah karena mereka terkena penyakit, atau karena hukuman.
Menurut Dr McCall, arwah 10 juta budak itu dapat mengacaukan pikiran para pilot atau navigator yang melintas. Hmm. lumayan masuk akal.
Misteri segitiga bermuda terus berlanjut hingga tahun 2000. Pada saat itu sebuah kapal Inggris yang tenggelam 70 tahun sebelumnya (bukan di segitiga bermuda) berhasil diangkat dari dasar laut. Kapal ini terbukti menjadi kunci pengungkapan misteri Segitiga bermuda yang lebih rasional, yaitu gas Metana.
Menurut mereka di wilayah tertentu di lautan, kadang gas metana tersembur keluar dari dasar laut. Naiknya gas ini ke permukaan menyebabkan berkurangnya kepadatan air laut dan akan menyebabkan apapun yang ada di permukaan laut tenggelam. Bahkan jika para awak kapal terjun ke permukaan dengan pelampung, tetap saja mereka akan tenggelam.
Dan di wilayah segitiga bermuda, ditemukan beberapa bagian dimana gas metana biasa menyembur ke permukaan laut. Ini memang bisa menjelaskan penyebab tenggelamnya kapal laut. Tapi masih belum bisa menjelaskan penyebab hilangnya pesawat terbang.
Kemudian pada tahun 1975, seorang bernama Larry Kusche yang berprofesi sebagai pustakawan di Arizona State University meneliti misteri ini dengan sungguh-sungguh dan mendapatkan kesimpulan yang sangat berbeda. Menurutnya, tidak ada misteri di segitiga bermuda. Ia menulis hasil penyelidikannya dalam sebuah buku berjudul "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved".
Ia menemukan banyak laporan kecelakaan di segitiga bermuda tidak dilaporkan secara akurat. Contoh, ia menemukan satu laporan mengenai kapal yang tiba-tiba hilang di lautan yang tenang, padahal kenyataannya lautan saat itu sedang dilanda badai.
Di bagian lain, ia menemukan banyak kisah yang ditulis mengenai kapal-kapal yang menghilang secara misterius. Padahal kenyataannya bangkai kapal-kapal tersebut ditemukan dan penyebab tenggelamnya sudah dapat dijelaskan.
Dalam kasus lain ia menemukan seorang penulis menyebutkan satu kapal hilang di segitiga bermuda. Padahal sesungguhnya kapal tersebut tenggelam 3.000 mil jauhnya dari segitiga bermuda.
Lagipula dengan luas 1,2 juta km2 (9 kali pulau jawa) dan lalu lintas pelayaran yang padat, adalah hal yang wajar apabila ada beberapa kapal yang tenggelam disitu. Lagipula pesawat dan kapal yang tenggelam beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu memang belum memiliki sistem navigasi yang memadai.
Setelah hampir satu abad, pertanyaannya adalah, apakah masih ada misteri yang tersisa dari segitiga bermuda. Kelihatannya yang masih menjadi misteri adalah bagaimana segitiga bermuda bisa menjadi misteri.
Mungkin kisah dan cerita yang kita dapatkan memang bercampur aduk dengan imajinasi manusia. Mungkin Larry Kusche memang benar. Tidak ada misteri di segitiga bermuda. Lagipula insiden terakhir yang terjadi adalah pada tanggal 22 Desember 1967, 42 tahun yang lalu.
Jika itu kenyataannya, saya turut bersimpati untuk para penggemar misteri segitiga bermuda yang berduka.
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011
Is Graffiti Art?
Graffiti artists across the globe today express their thoughts in multi-coloured displays on all surfaces around us. However could claim that it is visually weakening and the laws against it are not strict , as people's properties are unwillingly defaced. Therefore to what extent can graffiti be thought about art?
On hand graffiti by definition can be thought about art; a personal visual point of view is created by producing something stunning or weird. Graffiti artists take much hard work & time in practicing technique, covering portfolios prior to visually entertaining the public, devoting limitless hours in contrast to some 'art' on display at the Tate Modern. For example murals are painted in memory of respected people & events on places such as the Berlin Wall to improve our landscape & remind passersby. In addition art is an output of feelings & emotions which can express & tell particular issues of society.
'Banksy's' politically satirical pieces share a aware of lots of less risk taking, thrill seeking bystanders. They has beautified walls in the Gaza strip because it improves the scenery, like abandoned buildings & railways that would otherwise stay bland & ugly. Furthermore graffiti is a symbol of freedom. Freedom of speech is a right people have died for. Graffiti artists risk everything for their visualisations to be expressed, acknowledging that prosecution is a certainty if caught. Surely other crimes facing our world today warrant more focus?
On the other hand graffiti is vandalism & is illegal for plenty of reasons. Aggravation & irritation are caused by vandals destroying private property without consent. For example places of worship in poorer areas are canvases for these CFC emitters, in turn offending limitless religious communities. Imagine how the 'artist' would feel if their property were devalued & ruined with their own tools. Why should not these artists use their talent in much more constructive ways?
There are the facilities to produce graffiti legally, even whole areas in Paris. 'Artists' run small businesses to the ground by 'tagging' shop fronts which put off potential customers. Consequently graffiti removal teams are paid to tidy the walls by the taxpayers as the works can promote gangs, racism & even anti-Semitism; this is all very expensive & subsequently necessary to reduce crime.
Altogether the fact is that graffiti is both art and vandalism and it will persist for eternity. I think it is a heavily controversial style of art; however some creations amaze me to the extent of appreciation, much over some conceptual modern art I have observed.
On hand graffiti by definition can be thought about art; a personal visual point of view is created by producing something stunning or weird. Graffiti artists take much hard work & time in practicing technique, covering portfolios prior to visually entertaining the public, devoting limitless hours in contrast to some 'art' on display at the Tate Modern. For example murals are painted in memory of respected people & events on places such as the Berlin Wall to improve our landscape & remind passersby. In addition art is an output of feelings & emotions which can express & tell particular issues of society.
'Banksy's' politically satirical pieces share a aware of lots of less risk taking, thrill seeking bystanders. They has beautified walls in the Gaza strip because it improves the scenery, like abandoned buildings & railways that would otherwise stay bland & ugly. Furthermore graffiti is a symbol of freedom. Freedom of speech is a right people have died for. Graffiti artists risk everything for their visualisations to be expressed, acknowledging that prosecution is a certainty if caught. Surely other crimes facing our world today warrant more focus?
On the other hand graffiti is vandalism & is illegal for plenty of reasons. Aggravation & irritation are caused by vandals destroying private property without consent. For example places of worship in poorer areas are canvases for these CFC emitters, in turn offending limitless religious communities. Imagine how the 'artist' would feel if their property were devalued & ruined with their own tools. Why should not these artists use their talent in much more constructive ways?
There are the facilities to produce graffiti legally, even whole areas in Paris. 'Artists' run small businesses to the ground by 'tagging' shop fronts which put off potential customers. Consequently graffiti removal teams are paid to tidy the walls by the taxpayers as the works can promote gangs, racism & even anti-Semitism; this is all very expensive & subsequently necessary to reduce crime.
Altogether the fact is that graffiti is both art and vandalism and it will persist for eternity. I think it is a heavily controversial style of art; however some creations amaze me to the extent of appreciation, much over some conceptual modern art I have observed.
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Tea Drinking Culture of the 21st Century
Tea drinking dates back as far as 10th century BC where it was historically recorded first originating as a Chinese custom to sip on the brewed leaves. It supposedly broke loose from its Chinese roots and began to influence adjoining Asian regions such as Japan and Korea who abruptly latched on to the Tea growing, Tea brewing, and Tea-drinking phenomenon.
Sometime in the coursework of the 16th century Tea made its way in to the English economy, thanks to King Charles II alliance with Portugal through his marital ties. The Portuguese maintained well-established trading channels with China through which Tea soon became an available commodity that us Brits did not require to do without.
In western civilization Tea first drew breath as a lavish elixir. To sip on this 'liquid gold' was a true honor & only introduced to those of privileged parties. It was drank both medicinally & recreationally, often finding itself poured at special occasions & celebrations (usually drank from pricey china with a pert pinky on show!)
Subsequently through India's flourishing Tea trade and a immense drop in cost, by the 19th century Tea became a working-class refreshment and often drunk in all households. It no longer held such the regal status that it one time claimed possession to however flourished as a popular pick to have available on your kitchen shelves.
We Brits have drunk lots of a 'cup of char' since the appearance of Tea back in the day. But long gone are those days of brewing your Tetley's or your PG Tips! Tea culture has moved on from a beloved cup of Yorkshire & a fondant a brand spanking new period of health-conscious folk wanting a brand spanking new lease of life from their leaves.
Oolong, Puerh & Matcha Green Tea are all, but a few, parading the headlines as the new brew in town. Promising to eradicate harmful toxins, aid digestion, weight loss and much more, these 'Trendy Teas' appear to be the way forward in giving us a neat bill of health while enjoying a soulful sip on these invigorating infusions.
Many Tea brands are all brewing up a storm with their cheeky concoctions, such as Chocolate Tea, Chilli Chai and Crème Caramel! And if that's not enough I have heard popcorn Tea is making its way onto centre stage! A cinematic revolution in Tea culture perhaps?
There's a whole host of holistic Teas that offer up a wealth of diversity & deliciousness helping to cure an array of illnesses from A-Z. Tea drinking definitely has risen to refinement one time more with the introduction of these modern twists on ancient blends, revamping Tea as the Fashionable Tea of the 21st century.
Everyone loves a lovely cuppa! A hot cup of Tea puts the world to rights; puts a smirk on your face & warms your soul after a hard day's slog. A hot cup of Tea washes away sorrows & puts a spring in your step with each loving sip. A hot cup of Tea is a comfort blanket, a medicinal treasure & something our British culture would not be the same without.
Sometime in the coursework of the 16th century Tea made its way in to the English economy, thanks to King Charles II alliance with Portugal through his marital ties. The Portuguese maintained well-established trading channels with China through which Tea soon became an available commodity that us Brits did not require to do without.
In western civilization Tea first drew breath as a lavish elixir. To sip on this 'liquid gold' was a true honor & only introduced to those of privileged parties. It was drank both medicinally & recreationally, often finding itself poured at special occasions & celebrations (usually drank from pricey china with a pert pinky on show!)
Subsequently through India's flourishing Tea trade and a immense drop in cost, by the 19th century Tea became a working-class refreshment and often drunk in all households. It no longer held such the regal status that it one time claimed possession to however flourished as a popular pick to have available on your kitchen shelves.
We Brits have drunk lots of a 'cup of char' since the appearance of Tea back in the day. But long gone are those days of brewing your Tetley's or your PG Tips! Tea culture has moved on from a beloved cup of Yorkshire & a fondant a brand spanking new period of health-conscious folk wanting a brand spanking new lease of life from their leaves.
Oolong, Puerh & Matcha Green Tea are all, but a few, parading the headlines as the new brew in town. Promising to eradicate harmful toxins, aid digestion, weight loss and much more, these 'Trendy Teas' appear to be the way forward in giving us a neat bill of health while enjoying a soulful sip on these invigorating infusions.
Many Tea brands are all brewing up a storm with their cheeky concoctions, such as Chocolate Tea, Chilli Chai and Crème Caramel! And if that's not enough I have heard popcorn Tea is making its way onto centre stage! A cinematic revolution in Tea culture perhaps?
There's a whole host of holistic Teas that offer up a wealth of diversity & deliciousness helping to cure an array of illnesses from A-Z. Tea drinking definitely has risen to refinement one time more with the introduction of these modern twists on ancient blends, revamping Tea as the Fashionable Tea of the 21st century.
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
House Plan Room Sizes - Ideal Dimensions for Dining Rooms
Rooms for dining in a residence vary depending on the dining habits of the occupants. The eating areas could be a comfortable alcove or it could be a breakfast nook that is open to the kitchen. In other cases, the dining room could be a immense & formal space. You are subject to find at least of these spaces in the average home. Larger homes may contain dining facilities in all of these areas.
If relatives gatherings & diner parties are a giant part of your activities, then a giant dining room is much in your interest. In the event you are building a giant home, this should not be much of an issue in terms of making a giant space for this purpose. However, for those of us who will reside in a small to midsize home, this can present a challenge. way to get around this issue is to generate an open floor plan design where the dining facilities (dining table to be exact) can be expanded in an limitless manner in to the living area. There is small advantage in having an expandable table in the event you haven't the room to utilize it.
The size and shape of the dining area are determined by the size of the relatives, the size and amount of furniture, and the maximum clearances for traffic areas between furniture pieces. The room ought to be designed with designs for the largest group of individuals who will dine in the room on a regular basis. Irrespective of the furniture arrangement, a maximum space of two feet ought to be accounted for between a chair and the wall or other furniture when the chair is pulled from the table in the out position. A distance of 27 inches per person (from centerline to centerline of each chair) is the smallest space allowed at the table.
Suggested Room Dimensions
Ideal measurements: 10 to 11 feet in width, 10 to 14 feet in length (100 to 154 sf) - Holds a table and 4 chairs plus a buffet
[10 feet by 10 feet: This is an absolute minimum size room. It only accommodates a table (3 ft x 5 ft rectangular or 5 ft diameter) and 4 chairs.]
Ideal measurements: 12 to 13 feet in width, 15 to 17 feet in length (180 to 221 sf) - Accepts a dining table, 6-8 chairs, a buffet, and a china cabinet.
Ideal measurements: 14 feet plus in width, 18 feet plus in length (252 sq plus) - Accommodates everything in a medium size dining space with room for 8 people or more with respect to the expanded width and length.
These dimensions are a general rule of thumb for an optimized scale and size of a dining room. However, an experience building designer sometimes stray from the more ideal measurements in pursue of more customizable dimensions when unique design situations arise. Nevertheless, in most design solutions, the aforementioned suggestions are a definite and safe bet when determining the size of your eating area.
Determining the appropriate scale & dimension of a dining room is of plenty of home design ideas that a building designer must think about. Taking advantage of design ideas such as open floor designs, is of several tools in which a designer can use to address this issue.
If relatives gatherings & diner parties are a giant part of your activities, then a giant dining room is much in your interest. In the event you are building a giant home, this should not be much of an issue in terms of making a giant space for this purpose. However, for those of us who will reside in a small to midsize home, this can present a challenge. way to get around this issue is to generate an open floor plan design where the dining facilities (dining table to be exact) can be expanded in an limitless manner in to the living area. There is small advantage in having an expandable table in the event you haven't the room to utilize it.
The size and shape of the dining area are determined by the size of the relatives, the size and amount of furniture, and the maximum clearances for traffic areas between furniture pieces. The room ought to be designed with designs for the largest group of individuals who will dine in the room on a regular basis. Irrespective of the furniture arrangement, a maximum space of two feet ought to be accounted for between a chair and the wall or other furniture when the chair is pulled from the table in the out position. A distance of 27 inches per person (from centerline to centerline of each chair) is the smallest space allowed at the table.
Suggested Room Dimensions
Ideal measurements: 10 to 11 feet in width, 10 to 14 feet in length (100 to 154 sf) - Holds a table and 4 chairs plus a buffet
[10 feet by 10 feet: This is an absolute minimum size room. It only accommodates a table (3 ft x 5 ft rectangular or 5 ft diameter) and 4 chairs.]
Ideal measurements: 12 to 13 feet in width, 15 to 17 feet in length (180 to 221 sf) - Accepts a dining table, 6-8 chairs, a buffet, and a china cabinet.
Ideal measurements: 14 feet plus in width, 18 feet plus in length (252 sq plus) - Accommodates everything in a medium size dining space with room for 8 people or more with respect to the expanded width and length.
These dimensions are a general rule of thumb for an optimized scale and size of a dining room. However, an experience building designer sometimes stray from the more ideal measurements in pursue of more customizable dimensions when unique design situations arise. Nevertheless, in most design solutions, the aforementioned suggestions are a definite and safe bet when determining the size of your eating area.
Determining the appropriate scale & dimension of a dining room is of plenty of home design ideas that a building designer must think about. Taking advantage of design ideas such as open floor designs, is of several tools in which a designer can use to address this issue.
Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Sydney's Best Beaches
Sydney boasts not only the best beaches in Australia, but some of the most acclaimed sandy stretches of land in the world, making it a popular hotspot for sun worshippers.
Due to the city's sweltering climate, Sydney's beaches are frequented all year long, attracting millions of tourists who are in the city for both business and pleasure.
With a wide choice available across the Pacific Ocean shoreline & the harbours, bays & rivers of Sydney, you are never over half an hour away from enjoying the best beaches in the country.
If your job has brought you to Sydney, no trip would be complete without taking some time out to visit Bondi Beach.
Located seven kilometres from the city's central business district, it is of the region's most popular gathering places.
Whether you are keen to lie back and enjoy the sun or are looking to get the adrenaline pumping by trying out the local water sports facilities, there ought to be something to keep you occupied.
The beach, which is on the Australian National Heritage List, is about kilometre long & is hazard-graded by Surf Life Saving Australia.
While the north finish is rated a sedate, the south side is judged to be a seven due to a famous rip current nicknamed the Backpackers' Express, making this area of the beach an beautiful prospect for surfers hoping to show off their skills.
Around eight kilometres to the north-east of the central business district is Balmoral, of Sydney's harbour beaches.
Made up of separate beaches separated by an outcrop known as Rocky Point, Balmoral is a great place to head for the day in the event you are looking to experience local cuisine, as it's a few restaurants situated along the main thoroughfare.
It also holds a variety of popular events, such as the annual Mudgee Wine Festival.
Coogee Beach is situated to the southeast of the business district and is an excellent place to make a journey in the coursework of the day or evening, with the suburb also boasting some great nightlife to enjoy one time the sun goes down.
Taking of the plenty of beautiful coastal walks is a must, while the beach itself is surrounded by lush parklands where you can join a host of free outdoor barbecues and picnics ought to you fancy a alter from sea, sand and surf on your holiday.
Want to enjoy a quantity of Australia's finest city beaches? Book Sydney business class flights with Flight Centre First and Business and you can basically do so - take a glance at our business class flights to Australia and find the that most accurately fits you.
Due to the city's sweltering climate, Sydney's beaches are frequented all year long, attracting millions of tourists who are in the city for both business and pleasure.
With a wide choice available across the Pacific Ocean shoreline & the harbours, bays & rivers of Sydney, you are never over half an hour away from enjoying the best beaches in the country.
If your job has brought you to Sydney, no trip would be complete without taking some time out to visit Bondi Beach.
Located seven kilometres from the city's central business district, it is of the region's most popular gathering places.
Whether you are keen to lie back and enjoy the sun or are looking to get the adrenaline pumping by trying out the local water sports facilities, there ought to be something to keep you occupied.
The beach, which is on the Australian National Heritage List, is about kilometre long & is hazard-graded by Surf Life Saving Australia.
While the north finish is rated a sedate, the south side is judged to be a seven due to a famous rip current nicknamed the Backpackers' Express, making this area of the beach an beautiful prospect for surfers hoping to show off their skills.
Around eight kilometres to the north-east of the central business district is Balmoral, of Sydney's harbour beaches.
Made up of separate beaches separated by an outcrop known as Rocky Point, Balmoral is a great place to head for the day in the event you are looking to experience local cuisine, as it's a few restaurants situated along the main thoroughfare.
It also holds a variety of popular events, such as the annual Mudgee Wine Festival.
Coogee Beach is situated to the southeast of the business district and is an excellent place to make a journey in the coursework of the day or evening, with the suburb also boasting some great nightlife to enjoy one time the sun goes down.
Taking of the plenty of beautiful coastal walks is a must, while the beach itself is surrounded by lush parklands where you can join a host of free outdoor barbecues and picnics ought to you fancy a alter from sea, sand and surf on your holiday.
Want to enjoy a quantity of Australia's finest city beaches? Book Sydney business class flights with Flight Centre First and Business and you can basically do so - take a glance at our business class flights to Australia and find the that most accurately fits you.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
How to Protect Your Motorcycle From Being Stolen
It's a tragic fact that the things that you own are coveted by those who don't have what you have. So they plot & process to turn what you have in to their own. It is a illness of the world. &, when thievery occurs, it pulls us as happy healthy people down the wrong path of humanity in to a swirling abyss of hatred & confusion.
When you live in a high crime area, you are forced to be smart about your motorbike. In case you leave it in the wrong spot for long, or even in case you repeatedly park your bicycle in the same location week after week, month after month, motorbike thieves will stake out your motorbike and over the work of time, select the opportune moment to swipe it.
So don't be of those people to come out to the parking zone at your place of business or to come out of your house to your driveway or curbside to find that you have got been victimized. There's methods to prevent thieves from riding, rolling or lifting your bicycle away.
Most motorcycles have theft deterrent systems already installed such as the steering lock mechanism which locks the handlebars when the engine is turned off making it difficult for it to be maneuvered by a single person. Other theft deterrents can be added on like outside hidden kill switches cutting off power to the battery. Another deterrent is tire locks. Basically adding a U-shaped bicycle lock to your front or rear spokes will make a feasible thief look elsewhere. And the bicycle lock basically stores in a backpack or saddlebag when not in use. Another simple way to cut the motorbike power is to remove the battery fuse. In most cases, it is about the size of a quarter and it is locked under your chair next to the battery. In case you pull that fuse out, that bicycle wont budge.
Which brings up another point. Some older motorcycles are simple to hot wire. So adding these electrical deterrents will enhance the security of your motorbike greatly. The last line of defense is deterrent against a group assault. It may appear extreme, but use a long chain to lock your motorbike to an immovable object like a bicycle rack, street sign or lamppost.
And finally, make definite you have theft insurance on your motorbike. Having that coverage added on will give you the remaining piece of mind.
When you live in a high crime area, you are forced to be smart about your motorbike. In case you leave it in the wrong spot for long, or even in case you repeatedly park your bicycle in the same location week after week, month after month, motorbike thieves will stake out your motorbike and over the work of time, select the opportune moment to swipe it.
So don't be of those people to come out to the parking zone at your place of business or to come out of your house to your driveway or curbside to find that you have got been victimized. There's methods to prevent thieves from riding, rolling or lifting your bicycle away.
Most motorcycles have theft deterrent systems already installed such as the steering lock mechanism which locks the handlebars when the engine is turned off making it difficult for it to be maneuvered by a single person. Other theft deterrents can be added on like outside hidden kill switches cutting off power to the battery. Another deterrent is tire locks. Basically adding a U-shaped bicycle lock to your front or rear spokes will make a feasible thief look elsewhere. And the bicycle lock basically stores in a backpack or saddlebag when not in use. Another simple way to cut the motorbike power is to remove the battery fuse. In most cases, it is about the size of a quarter and it is locked under your chair next to the battery. In case you pull that fuse out, that bicycle wont budge.
Which brings up another point. Some older motorcycles are simple to hot wire. So adding these electrical deterrents will enhance the security of your motorbike greatly. The last line of defense is deterrent against a group assault. It may appear extreme, but use a long chain to lock your motorbike to an immovable object like a bicycle rack, street sign or lamppost.
And finally, make definite you have theft insurance on your motorbike. Having that coverage added on will give you the remaining piece of mind.
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011
Reasons why you should stop smoking ?
Very sinful amount of knowledge of smokers in each country in the world, which every day increases, this indicates that a healthy lifestyle is again not thought about, following the largest number of smokers in ten countries:
Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds to hemoglobin in the blood, making blood is not able to bind oxygen.
The effect is evoked from Poison: Toxic effects on cigarette smoke makes suckers at risk (compared to not smoke cigarettes).
Tar is the substance of the hydrocarbons that are sticky and attach to the lungs.
Nicotine is the addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is a carcinogen, and capable of triggering a deadly lung cancer.
The effect is evoked from Poison: Toxic effects on cigarette smoke makes suckers at risk (compared to not smoke cigarettes).
14x suffering from lung cancer, mouth, and throat
4x suffering from esophageal cancer
2x bladder cancer
2x heart attacks
Smoking also increases the risk of fatality for patients with pneumonia and heart failure, as well as hypertension.In addition to effects in the suffering of smokers, smoking also makes the body turns in to a den of diseases such as:
If you require to cease smoking, you ought to know why. Is it because of the adverse effects brought on by smoking, require to look more youthful or because they require to protect your relatives from secondhand smoke. Choose a strong reason to beat the desire to smoke.
Do not regard Easy
How To Cease Smoking might sound simple. You require to get rid of all cigarettes bought and did not resist the urge to buy it back. This habit was not as simple as it seems. As plenty of as 95 percent of individuals who try to cease without treatment or medication, ended up smoking again. The reason is caused by nicotine dependence. The brain becomes accustomed to nicotine and require it every time.
Do nicotine therapy
When you cease smoking, nicotine can make you feel frustrated, depressed, anxious or angry. Nicotine replacement therapy can help overcome this issue. Study shows nicotine gum and lozenges can help double your chances to quit smoking, if carried out intensively. But be cautious, use a product like this, smoking is not recommended.
Consultations with doctors
To make it simpler to overcome addiction to nicotine without using nicotine-containing product, ask your doctor if any medications you are allowed to consume. There's several medications that help reduce hunger by affecting chemicals in the brain. The drug also will keep you satisfied while only smoked a few cigarettes only. There's also several other medications that reduce signs of nicotine such as depression and inability to concentrate.
Ask for help from the nearest
Tell relatives, friends & coworkers that you are looking for How To Cease Smoking. Joining the anti-smoking group or speak with a consultant may even be used as an alternative. Encouragement they would provide great opportunities for you to immediately cease this bad habit.
Control stress by correctly
One reason people smoke is that nicotine can help a person to be more relaxed. After quitting smoking, you ought to find another way to cope with stress, for example with a massage, listen to relaxing music, or take a yoga class. If feasible, ought to keep away from stressful situations in the coursework of the first week when you start to quit smoking.
Avoid alcohol and other smoking triggers
Certain activities can increase your desire to smoke. Alcohol is of the most common triggers, so try to minimize it. If coffee makes you need to smoke, switch to tea for several weeks. & if you are used to smoke after eating, find other ways to keep away from such as chewing gum or brushing your teeth.
Clean house
Once you last smoked cigarettes, throw cigarette packs, lighters and ashtrays. Wash clothes, tidy the carpets, curtains, or anything that is exposed to the smell of cigarette smoke. Use air freshener to get rid of the smell of cigarettes. You definitely do not need to see or smell that reminds you of smoking, is not it?
Physical activity can help reduce the craving for nicotine and relieve some signs. When the urge to smoke arises, wear your sneakers, and do running. Even gave mild exercise such as running accompanied by pets, running or gardening also provide significant benefits. Exercise can also help you avoid excess weight gain when quitting smoking.
Eating fruits and vegetables
We recommend that you do not do diet when you try to quit smoking. Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables & foods low in overweight. According to a study at Duke University, these foods make cigarettes taste dreadful. (
Try and try again
Failing to cease is not unusual. Plenty of smokers who have tried several times before it finally managed to escape from this bad habit. Check the physical & emotional state that makes you give up. Use it as a chance to re-affirm the dedication to quit smoking. One time you make the decision again, set the 'date of commencement of quit smoking' in the months ahead.
Try to stop smoking, and believe you can quit!
- List of 10 Largest World Countries Smokers :
- China = 390 million smokers, or 29% of the population
- India = 144 million smokers, or 12.5% of the population
- Indonesia = 60 million smokers, or 26% of the population (~ 225 billion sticks of year)
- Rusia = 58 million smokers, or 41% of the population
- United States = 55 million smokers, or 18.5% of the population
- Japan = 49 million smokers, or 38% of the population
- Brazil = 24 million smokers, or 12.5% of the population
- Bangladesh = 23.3 million smokers, or 23.5% of the population
- Germany = 22.3 million smokers, or 27% of the population
- Turkey = 21.5 million smokers, or 30.5% of the population
Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds to hemoglobin in the blood, making blood is not able to bind oxygen.
The effect is evoked from Poison: Toxic effects on cigarette smoke makes suckers at risk (compared to not smoke cigarettes).
Tar is the substance of the hydrocarbons that are sticky and attach to the lungs.
Nicotine is the addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is a carcinogen, and capable of triggering a deadly lung cancer.
14x suffering from lung cancer, mouth, and throat
4x suffering from esophageal cancer
2x bladder cancer
2x heart attacks
- Cancer:
- The lungs
- oral cavity
- pharynx
- larynx
- Esophagus (squamous cell carcinoma)
- Esophagus (adenocarcinoma)
- pancreas
- urinary bladder
- renal pelvis
- Kidney (renal cell carcinoma)
- Stomach
- uterine cervix
- Granulocytic cells of bone marrow (leukemia myeoloid)
- nasal cavities
- nasal sinuses
- liver
- Respiratory System:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Including pneumonia, acute respiratory Illnesses
- Premature onset of and an accelerated decline in lung function
- All major respiratory symptoms in adults, including coughing, phlegm, wheezing & dyspnoea
- Poor asthma control
- Cardiovascular system:
- Coronary heart disease (CHD)
- Cerebrovascula disease
- aortic aneurysm
- peripheral artery
- Other diseases:
- gastric ulcer
- Cataract
- periodontitis
- duodenal ulcer
- Adverse surgical outcomes related to wound healing and respiratory complications
- Hip fracture
- Reduced fertility in females
- Crohn's disease
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Tobacco amblyopia
- osteoporosis
- Specialized respiratory system disorders in infants / children, whose mothers smoked:
- Impaired lung growth
- Early-onset of lung function decline
- Respiratory symptoms including coughing, phlegm, wheezing dyspnoea
- Asthma-related symptoms (wheezing)
- Female Reproductive System:
- Pregnancy complications
- Preterm delivery and shortened gestation
- Fetal growth restrictions and low birth weight
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- 20 Minutes: Blood pressure and heart rate returned to normal. circulation improves
- 8 Hours: Levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide in the blood falls Drastically. Levels of oxygen in the blood return to normal. Chance of heart attack decreases (becomes smaller)
- 24 hours: Carbon monoxide is lost from the body, lungs start clean of mucus and the remnants of a substance that comes from smoking.
- 48 Hours: Nicotine is lost from the body. Sense of taste and smell better.
- 72 hours: breathing tubes begin to relax, increase energy levels, and easier breathing
- 2-12 Sunday: Sirukulasi whole body becomes good
- 3-9 months: Lung function increases up to ten percent. coughing, sneezing, and breathing problems decreased.
- 5 years: Risk of heart attack risk drops to half of people who smoke
- 10 Years: The risk of lung cancer risk drops to half of smokers. Decreased risk of heart attack or equal to those who never smoked.
- Here are tips to stop smoking:
If you require to cease smoking, you ought to know why. Is it because of the adverse effects brought on by smoking, require to look more youthful or because they require to protect your relatives from secondhand smoke. Choose a strong reason to beat the desire to smoke.
Do not regard Easy
How To Cease Smoking might sound simple. You require to get rid of all cigarettes bought and did not resist the urge to buy it back. This habit was not as simple as it seems. As plenty of as 95 percent of individuals who try to cease without treatment or medication, ended up smoking again. The reason is caused by nicotine dependence. The brain becomes accustomed to nicotine and require it every time.
Do nicotine therapy
When you cease smoking, nicotine can make you feel frustrated, depressed, anxious or angry. Nicotine replacement therapy can help overcome this issue. Study shows nicotine gum and lozenges can help double your chances to quit smoking, if carried out intensively. But be cautious, use a product like this, smoking is not recommended.
Consultations with doctors
To make it simpler to overcome addiction to nicotine without using nicotine-containing product, ask your doctor if any medications you are allowed to consume. There's several medications that help reduce hunger by affecting chemicals in the brain. The drug also will keep you satisfied while only smoked a few cigarettes only. There's also several other medications that reduce signs of nicotine such as depression and inability to concentrate.
Ask for help from the nearest
Tell relatives, friends & coworkers that you are looking for How To Cease Smoking. Joining the anti-smoking group or speak with a consultant may even be used as an alternative. Encouragement they would provide great opportunities for you to immediately cease this bad habit.
Control stress by correctly
One reason people smoke is that nicotine can help a person to be more relaxed. After quitting smoking, you ought to find another way to cope with stress, for example with a massage, listen to relaxing music, or take a yoga class. If feasible, ought to keep away from stressful situations in the coursework of the first week when you start to quit smoking.
Avoid alcohol and other smoking triggers
Certain activities can increase your desire to smoke. Alcohol is of the most common triggers, so try to minimize it. If coffee makes you need to smoke, switch to tea for several weeks. & if you are used to smoke after eating, find other ways to keep away from such as chewing gum or brushing your teeth.
Clean house
Once you last smoked cigarettes, throw cigarette packs, lighters and ashtrays. Wash clothes, tidy the carpets, curtains, or anything that is exposed to the smell of cigarette smoke. Use air freshener to get rid of the smell of cigarettes. You definitely do not need to see or smell that reminds you of smoking, is not it?
Physical activity can help reduce the craving for nicotine and relieve some signs. When the urge to smoke arises, wear your sneakers, and do running. Even gave mild exercise such as running accompanied by pets, running or gardening also provide significant benefits. Exercise can also help you avoid excess weight gain when quitting smoking.
Eating fruits and vegetables
We recommend that you do not do diet when you try to quit smoking. Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables & foods low in overweight. According to a study at Duke University, these foods make cigarettes taste dreadful. (
Try and try again
Failing to cease is not unusual. Plenty of smokers who have tried several times before it finally managed to escape from this bad habit. Check the physical & emotional state that makes you give up. Use it as a chance to re-affirm the dedication to quit smoking. One time you make the decision again, set the 'date of commencement of quit smoking' in the months ahead.
Try to stop smoking, and believe you can quit!
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