Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Reasons why you should stop smoking ?

Very sinful amount of knowledge of smokers in each country in the world, which every day increases, this indicates that a healthy lifestyle is again not thought about, following the largest number of smokers in ten countries:

  • List of 10 Largest World Countries Smokers :
  1. China = 390 million smokers, or 29% of the population
  2. India = 144 million smokers, or 12.5% ​​of the population
  3. Indonesia = 60 million smokers, or 26% of the population (~ 225 billion sticks of year)
  4. Rusia = 58 million smokers, or 41% of the population
  5. United States = 55 million smokers, or 18.5% of the population
  6. Japan = 49 million smokers, or 38% of the population
  7. Brazil = 24 million smokers, or 12.5% ​​of the population
  8. Bangladesh = 23.3 million smokers, or 23.5% of the population
  9. Germany = 22.3 million smokers, or 27% of the population
  10. Turkey = 21.5 million smokers, or 30.5% of the population
Even some people think that smoking was common, but any smoked cigarettes like they suck the poison is deadly slow & bad for health. Toxins that enter our bodies when they smoke a Cigarette Toxins contains about 4000 & 200 of them declared a health hazard. The main toxins in cigarettes are tar, nicotine & monoxide.

Carbon monoxide is a substance that binds to hemoglobin in the blood, making blood is not able to bind oxygen.
The effect is evoked from Poison: Toxic effects on cigarette smoke makes suckers at risk (compared to not smoke cigarettes).
Tar is the substance of the hydrocarbons that are sticky and attach to the lungs.
Nicotine is the addictive substance that affects the nerves and blood circulation. This substance is a carcinogen, and capable of triggering a deadly lung cancer.

The effect is evoked from Poison: Toxic effects on cigarette smoke makes suckers at risk (compared to not smoke cigarettes).
14x suffering from lung cancer, mouth, and throat
4x suffering from esophageal cancer
2x bladder cancer
2x heart attacks

Smoking also increases the risk of fatality for patients with pneumonia and heart failure, as well as hypertension.In addition to effects in the suffering of smokers, smoking also makes the body turns in to a den of diseases such as:

  • Cancer:
  1. The lungs
  2. oral cavity
  3. pharynx
  4. larynx
  5. Esophagus (squamous cell carcinoma)
  6. Esophagus (adenocarcinoma)
  7. pancreas
  8. urinary bladder
  9. renal pelvis
  10. Kidney (renal cell carcinoma)
  11. Stomach
  12. uterine cervix
  13. Granulocytic cells of bone marrow (leukemia myeoloid)
  14. nasal cavities
  15. nasal sinuses
  16. liver
  • Respiratory System:
  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  2. Including pneumonia, acute respiratory Illnesses
  3. Premature onset of and an accelerated decline in lung function
  4. All major respiratory symptoms in adults, including coughing, phlegm, wheezing & dyspnoea
  5. Poor asthma control
  • Cardiovascular system:
  1. Coronary heart disease (CHD)
  2. Cerebrovascula disease
  3. aortic aneurysm
  4. peripheral artery
  • Other diseases:
  1. gastric ulcer
  2. Cataract
  3. periodontitis
  4. duodenal ulcer
  5. Adverse surgical outcomes related to wound healing and respiratory complications
  6. Hip fracture
  7. Reduced fertility in females
  8. Crohn's disease
  9. Age-related macular degeneration
  10. Tobacco amblyopia
  11. osteoporosis
  • Specialized respiratory system disorders in infants / children, whose mothers smoked:
  1. Impaired lung growth
  2. Early-onset of lung function decline
  3. Respiratory symptoms including coughing, phlegm, wheezing dyspnoea
  4. Asthma-related symptoms (wheezing)
  • Female Reproductive System:
  1. Pregnancy complications
  2. Preterm delivery and shortened gestation
  3. Fetal growth restrictions and low birth weight
  4. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
With due Knowing that caused from smoking, you ought to cease right now, so that they can benefit from quitting smoking, for the health of our bodies. The benefits will they get for our body & that caused the effects are:

  • 20 Minutes: Blood pressure and heart rate returned to normal. circulation improves
  • 8 Hours: Levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide in the blood falls Drastically. Levels of oxygen in the blood return to normal. Chance of heart attack decreases (becomes smaller)
  • 24 hours: Carbon monoxide is lost from the body, lungs start clean of mucus and the remnants of a substance that comes from smoking.
  • 48 Hours: Nicotine is lost from the body. Sense of taste and smell better.
  • 72 hours: breathing tubes begin to relax, increase energy levels, and easier breathing
  • 2-12 Sunday: Sirukulasi whole body becomes good
  • 3-9 months: Lung function increases up to ten percent. coughing, sneezing, and breathing problems decreased.
  • 5 years: Risk of heart attack risk drops to half of people who smoke
  • 10 Years: The risk of lung cancer risk drops to half of smokers. Decreased risk of heart attack or equal to those who never smoked.
Maybe every smoker must always have a desire to quit smoking, but have no idea how & penangananya in beginning a life free of cigarettes, but they must continue to strive in beginning an unhealthy habit.

  • Here are tips to stop smoking:
Know the reasons to stop smoking

If you require to cease smoking, you ought to know why. Is it because of the adverse effects brought on by smoking, require to look more youthful or because they require to protect your relatives from secondhand smoke. Choose a strong reason to beat the desire to smoke.

Do not regard Easy

How To Cease Smoking might sound simple. You require to get rid of all cigarettes bought and did not resist the urge to buy it back. This habit was not as simple as it seems. As plenty of as 95 percent of individuals who try to cease without treatment or medication, ended up smoking again. The reason is caused by nicotine dependence. The brain becomes accustomed to nicotine and require it every time.

Do nicotine therapy

When you cease smoking, nicotine can make you feel frustrated, depressed, anxious or angry. Nicotine replacement therapy can help overcome this issue. Study shows nicotine gum and lozenges can help double your chances to quit smoking, if carried out intensively. But be cautious, use a product like this, smoking is not recommended.

Consultations with doctors

To make it simpler to overcome addiction to nicotine without using nicotine-containing product, ask your doctor if any medications you are allowed to consume. There's several medications that help reduce hunger by affecting chemicals in the brain. The drug also will keep you satisfied while only smoked a few cigarettes only. There's also several other medications that reduce signs of nicotine such as depression and inability to concentrate.

Ask for help from the nearest

Tell relatives, friends & coworkers that you are looking for How To Cease Smoking. Joining the anti-smoking group or speak with a consultant may even be used as an alternative. Encouragement they would provide great opportunities for you to immediately cease this bad habit.

Control stress by correctly

One reason people smoke is that nicotine can help a person to be more relaxed. After quitting smoking, you ought to find another way to cope with stress, for example with a massage, listen to relaxing music, or take a yoga class. If feasible, ought to keep away from stressful situations in the coursework of the first week when you start to quit smoking.

Avoid alcohol and other smoking triggers

Certain activities can increase your desire to smoke. Alcohol is of the most common triggers, so try to minimize it. If coffee makes you need to smoke, switch to tea for several weeks. & if you are used to smoke after eating, find other ways to keep away from such as chewing gum or brushing your teeth.

Clean house

Once you last smoked cigarettes, throw cigarette packs, lighters and ashtrays. Wash clothes, tidy the carpets, curtains, or anything that is exposed to the smell of cigarette smoke. Use air freshener to get rid of the smell of cigarettes. You definitely do not need to see or smell that reminds you of smoking, is not it?


Physical activity can help reduce the craving for nicotine and relieve some signs. When the urge to smoke arises, wear your sneakers, and do running. Even gave mild exercise such as running accompanied by pets, running or gardening also provide significant benefits. Exercise can also help you avoid excess weight gain when quitting smoking.

Eating fruits and vegetables

We recommend that you do not do diet when you try to quit smoking. Focus on eating more fruits, vegetables & foods low in overweight. According to a study at Duke University, these foods make cigarettes taste dreadful. (Wolipop.com)

Try and try again

Failing to cease is not unusual. Plenty of smokers who have tried several times before it finally managed to escape from this bad habit. Check the physical & emotional state that makes you give up. Use it as a chance to re-affirm the dedication to quit smoking. One time you make the decision again, set the 'date of commencement of quit smoking' in the months ahead.

Try to stop smoking, and believe you can quit!

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