Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Tea Drinking Culture of the 21st Century


Everyone loves a lovely cuppa! A hot cup of Tea puts the world to rights; puts a smirk on your face & warms your soul after a hard day's slog. A hot cup of Tea washes away sorrows & puts a spring in your step with each loving sip. A hot cup of Tea is a comfort blanket, a medicinal treasure & something our British culture would not be the same without.

Tea drinking dates back as far as 10th century BC where it was historically recorded first originating as a Chinese custom to sip on the brewed leaves. It supposedly broke loose from its Chinese roots and began to influence adjoining Asian regions such as Japan and Korea who abruptly latched on to the Tea growing, Tea brewing, and Tea-drinking phenomenon.

Sometime in the coursework of the 16th century Tea made its way in to the English economy, thanks to King Charles II alliance with Portugal through his marital ties. The Portuguese maintained well-established trading channels with China through which Tea soon became an available commodity that us Brits did not require to do without.

In western civilization Tea first drew breath as a lavish elixir. To sip on this 'liquid gold' was a true honor & only introduced to those of privileged parties. It was drank both medicinally & recreationally, often finding itself poured at special occasions & celebrations (usually drank from pricey china with a pert pinky on show!)

Subsequently through India's flourishing Tea trade and a immense drop in cost, by the 19th century Tea became a working-class refreshment and often drunk in all households. It no longer held such the regal status that it one time claimed possession to however flourished as a popular pick to have available on your kitchen shelves.

We Brits have drunk lots of a 'cup of char' since the appearance of Tea back in the day. But long gone are those days of brewing your Tetley's or your PG Tips! Tea culture has moved on from a beloved cup of Yorkshire & a fondant fancy...to a brand spanking new period of health-conscious folk wanting a brand spanking new lease of life from their leaves.

Oolong, Puerh & Matcha Green Tea are all, but a few, parading the headlines as the new brew in town. Promising to eradicate harmful toxins, aid digestion, weight loss and much more, these 'Trendy Teas' appear to be the way forward in giving us a neat bill of health while enjoying a soulful sip on these invigorating infusions.

Many Tea brands are all brewing up a storm with their cheeky concoctions, such as Chocolate Tea, Chilli Chai and Crème Caramel! And if that's not enough I have heard popcorn Tea is making its way onto centre stage! A cinematic revolution in Tea culture perhaps?
There's a whole host of holistic Teas that offer up a wealth of diversity & deliciousness helping to cure an array of illnesses from A-Z. Tea drinking definitely has risen to refinement one time more with the introduction of these modern twists on ancient blends, revamping Tea as the Fashionable Tea of the 21st century.

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